Tuesday, November 13, 2012

People of the Book

Endeavors, Thursday, June 21, 2012

© Ahmed Moustafa

People of the Book

For centuries scholars and theologians have debated the Qur’an’s confusing passages. But Carl Ernst says they’ve missed out on a key method for unlocking the book’s secrets.
In 2002, UNC’s summer reading committee asked Carl Ernst to recommend a translation of the Qur’an that incoming students could comprehend and discuss at length. Ernst, a religious studies professor, could recommend only one—Michael Sells’ Approaching the Qur’an­—because it included thirty short, poetic chapters that he felt would not overwhelm incoming students. The committee took his recommendation, and a lot of people were furious.
Was UNC trying to convert students to Islam? Wasn’t the book choice insensitive and arrogant in light of the 9/11 attacks? Wasn’t discussing the Qur’an tantamount to teaching a specific religion to students?
A controversy erupted. The national press swooped in. There was even a lawsuit to force UNC to abandon its selection. But the university stood firm. More than two thousand incoming students read and discussed Sells’ book without incident. At one session, Ernst eyed reporters standing at the back of a room full of students and said he wished tomorrow’s headline would be, “Students read books, discuss ideas.”
Ernst was confused by the backlash. “People assume that if something is being discussed at the university, then it’s being endorsed,” he says. “That’s not what we’re about. Having students read books is what we do here.”

The summer-reading blowup got to him. “It showed me that misunderstanding the Qur’an was a serious problem,” he says. Radicals take a few lines out of context and promote the most extreme interpretation possible, which gets the most press. Ernst says Westerners are left uninformed and often antagonistic toward a book they know little about.
When publishers approached him about writing a translation of his own, Ernst agreed. But it wouldn’t be a straight translation or a theological introduction to the Qur’an. His book would present the Qur’an as a piece of literature steeped in historical context.
“A lot of people want to know what the Qur’an ‘says’ on particular issues, assuming it has a consistent position,” Ernst says. “The reality is that the Qur’an addresses different audiences and changes its method of communication over time.” The Qur’an—sometimes poetry, sometimes prose—was revealed over twenty-three years to pagans in Mecca and then to others, including Jews and Christians, in Medina. “So readers need to understand its historical context and the way it was constructed,” he says.
When Ernst started writing his book, titled How to Read the Qur’an: A New Guide, with Select Translations, he didn’t set out to address any theological arguments, but in a way he’s done just that.

courtesy of UNC Press
He says the Qur’an is full of  an ancient literary style that allows readers to pinpoint the central meaning of long and sometimes confusing passages. Using this tool, called ring composition, Ernst found a major theme of the Qur’an that would surprise people who don’t know much about Islam—and even some people who do.
Confusing construction
It’s tough to just pick up the Qur’an and start reading. “Anyone who gets though the first 20 pages is very self-disciplined,” Ernst says. “It’s not easy to read.”
That’s because the Qur’an isn’t organized like other books, especially other religious texts. The Gospels, for instance, are chronological accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus. The Book of Revelation is mystical prophecy. The Qur’an, on the other hand, is presented as a series of 114 messages, or suras. And they were not put to paper in chronological order.
The longest suras were revealed toward the end of Muhammad’s life, but they appear at the beginning of the Qur’an. The shortest suras, which are poetic and often cryptic, were revealed at the beginning of Muhammad’s ministry. But they appear at the end of the Qur’an.
“If you start reading the Qur’an at the beginning, it’s sort of like reading a mystery novel by starting with the last chapter,” Ernst says. In How to Read the Qur’an, he sorts all that out.
Ernst shows how the suras evolved over twenty-three years into long passages of prose full of allusions to the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, the Talmud, and even the apocryphal writings of Christianity.
Those references can confuse modern readers, Ernst says. For instance, sura 5 mentions the Israelites seeking the Promised Land after fleeing captivity in Egypt. Only two of them enter Canaan—Caleb and Joshua. “But the Qur’an doesn’t mention them by name,” Ernst says. “It only mentions ‘the two.’ This leads me to believe that the initial audience of this sura knew the text of the Hebrew Bible very well.” And that audience, he says, likely included Jews and Christians. Today’s more secular readers, though, might not understand the reference to “the two.”

Wikimedia Commons
In his book, Ernst makes sense of such references for readers and shows how the Qur’an would’ve been understood by the people of seventh-century Arabia. This approach is not typical.
For centuries, scholars and theologians have organized the central points of Qur’an according to theme. This way, they can tell readers what the Qur’an “says” about specific issues. But that can be difficult because the Qur’an—if viewed as a single piece of revelation—is full of contradictions and paradoxes. Interpreters had to concoct the so-called doctrine of abrogation to pinpoint what the Qur’an really says about a particular issue.
Abrogation essentially boils down to one verse trumping the validity of another. This, Ernst says, is problematic for several reasons.
In sura 9, for instance, there’s a command for warfare against unbelievers. Today, “unbelievers” could mean anyone who’s not a Muslim. But Ernst and most scholars say Muhammad was referring to war against Meccan pagans who were tormenting Muhammad’s first followers. Muhammad clearly considered Jews and Christians to be believers. He even referred to them as “People of the Book.” Modern-day Islamist radicals don’t make that distinction, and neither do people antagonistic toward Islam.
Through the centuries, many Qur’anic commentators have said this so-called “sword verse” in sura 9 trumps the many verses pertaining to forgiveness for pagan unbelievers and acceptance of Jews and Christians. “Some legal scholars argue that the sword verse abrogates over 100 verses that contain peace treaties and counsels of tolerance,” Ernst says. “I find it rather unsatisfactory that such an extreme reading requires one to disregard large chunks of text.”
Making matters worse, sometimes contradictory statements appear within the same passage. Sura 60, for example, advises believers to avoid becoming allies with those who make war against them. But then it mentions how believers and disbelievers can establish friendships.
How are readers to make sense of this? Some scholars suggest we’re not supposed to. Some say sura 60 is composed of fragments from two different sets of revelation. But the contradictions within one passage force believers to pick which verse to take to heart.

photo credit: Mark Derewicz
Ernst’s research reveals another explanation for sura 60 and how to approach seemingly contradictory verses. Readers have to understand how the text was structured before interpreting its meaning.
Lord of the rings
Modern readers are used to books presented in a clear, linear fashion. But some ancient writers preferred to structure their texts symmetrically. Scholars call this “ring composition.”
Imagine a 13-verse passage. In ring composition, the first and last lines of the passage refer to each other, the second and second-last lines refer to each other, the third and third-last lines refer to each other, and so on. Those verses introduce a theme, call attention to commonly held beliefs, and frame an issue until the main point of the text is revealed at the center. In a passage of 13 verses, line seven is the mathematical center. That’s where the most important point is.
Ernst first heard of ring composition twenty years ago when an Indian scholar reported finding it in a fifteenth-century Sufi text written in Hindi, a language Ernst can’t read. At first he was skeptical. “It seemed like numerology or something like that,” he says, “and I was a little suspicious of seeing deep patterns where I wasn’t sure they existed.”
He didn’t think about that Sufi text again until twelve years later—after UNC’s Qur’an controversy—when he met an Iranian scholar who said that Rumi, the great Sufi mystic, used ring composition in one of his treatises. This got Ernst’s attention. He found that other modern scholars had found ring composition in Homer’s Iliad and other Greek works. It’s been found in Persian texts. In India and China. It’s been documented in Arabic poetry, including pre-Islamic works.
Ernst read a book called Thinking in Circles, in which anthropologist Mary Douglass showed that some of the less-studied books of the Hebrew Bible—Numbers and Leviticus, for example—contain symmetrical structures. From there, Ernst found new scholarship on Paul’s letters in the New Testament. They, too, feature ring composition.

Ernst’s radar was up, and while writing How to Read the Qur’an in 2009 he came upon a book titled The Banquet, in which Belgian scholar Michel Cuypers provides evidence that sura 5 contains a ring composition. At the structural center of the long chapter is a well-known verse:
“For everyone, We have established a law and a way. If God had wished he would have made you a single community. But this was so He might test you regarding what He sent you. So try to be first in doing what is best.”
“What this means is that the establishment of multiple religious communities is part of the divine plan,” Ernst says. “The goal is for believers—Jews, Christians, Muslims—to have a contest in ethics. They should try to see which community can follow the divine command to do good and avoid evil.”
This, he says, is a clear sanction for religious pluralism. And its place in the text shows that it was meant to have more weight than other verses that were meant to introduce and discuss themes and events.
“I’ve always noticed that passage,” Ernst says. “But I never realized that it was such a central point.” It’s literally the center of a sura that scholars agree is one of the most important in the entire Qur’an. “And there are quite a few parallel passages to this one,” he says.
The heart of Islam
It’s hard to say why ring composition in ancient texts is just now being brought to the fore of academia, but Ernst says that the most plausible explanation is that over the course of centuries, more and more people became linear thinkers—A plus B equals C—until reading in a linear fashion became dominant. In fact, many scholars over the years have complained about the seemingly chaotic nature of ancient writings, Ernst says, “just because the texts don’t conform to modern tastes.”
As for the Qur’an, viewing it as a piece of literature is a relatively modern method of inquiry that demands a nontheological approach. Ernst says ring composition is now being discussed at major academic conferences in the United States. In Europe, two of the best-known Qur’an scholars—Angelika Neuwirth and Neal Robinson—have recognized that ring composition is prevalent within the Qur’anand that it demands further research. And in the Middle East, an American named Raymond Farrin has already uncovered the central meaning of one of the Qur’an’s longest suras.
In 2010, while Ernst was on a research leave to complete his book, Farrin, who teaches in Kuwait, published an article analyzing the structure of sura 2. Farrin points out that it, too, features a ring composition. This long sura, one of the last ones revealed, also boils down to a competition in virtue, during which believers—including Jews and Christians—should keep their faith.
Ernst says that not all of the Qur’an is structured using ring composition. “It’s too soon to say just how pervasive this is in the Qur’an,” he says. “Much more work needs to be done, particularly with regard to the Medinan suras.” 
But for his book Ernst tackled sura 60, the 13-verse passage that some scholars say was pasted together from separate pieces of revelation.
“It was even better than I imagined,” Ernst says. When viewed as a ring composition, the contradictory verses make sense. The outer verses refer to warfare against enemies and to Abraham’s battle with idol worshipers. But at the very center of the passage—verse number seven— is where the sura’s core message appears:
“Perhaps it may be possible for God to create affection between you and your enemies.”
“It’s just so striking,” Ernst says. “And when you see it in the middle of a conflict that leads you to the center, you have to say, that’s quite remarkable.”
These verses have been well-studied and cherished by mainstream Muslims for centuries; religious pluralism is not a new notion for them. But today, as Islamist radicals aim to divide the believers of the God of Abraham, Ernst and others are providing strong evidence that religious pluralism is at the heart of the Qur’an. It’s not one sentiment among equals. “It is literally showing up as a central theme,” Ernst says.
Ernst’s scholarship will likely not have any effect on the hearts and minds of jihadists or people who dismiss Islam as a false religion. He’s well aware that detractors—some of the same people who attacked him and the university during the 2002 summer reading controversy—will accuse him of defending a brutal religion.
Ernst, though, says he’s only a defender of reading, studying, and thinking.
“I’m not an apologist for the Qur’an in any sense,” he says. For instance, there’s no question that the Qur’an, like many religious texts, addresses a culture steeped in misogyny and patriarchy.
“My aim is understanding and explanation rather than advocacy or attack,” he says. “My main hope is to raise the level of discussion beyond the current impasse.”
The Qur’an is an important text for over a billion people. It has a history and a structure. “Let’s try to understand how it works,” Ernst says. This is what professors around the country do with all kinds of books. They do it with modern books, too. “This is what we do,” he says, “when we teach the Bible as literature.”

Carl Ernst is the William R. Kenan, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. How to Read the Qur’an: A New Guide, with Select Translations was published by the University of North Carolina Press. Ernst’s other books include Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World.

Retrieved from: http://endeavors.unc.edu/people_of_the_book

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bayt Al-Qur'an & Museum Istiqlal

Gedung Bayt Al-Qur'an TMII
Latar Belakang
Indonesia telah dikenal oleh bangsa-bangsa di dunia sebagai salah satu bangsa yang besar, dengan ‘kesatuan dalam keanekaragaman’. Rasa kebersamaan dan toleransi antarsuku bangsa dan antaragama telah tertanam sepanjang sejarah pembentukan bangsa. Di antara ribuan pulau, repetitif ratusan suku dan adat istiadat, bangsa Indonesia mengakui adanya beberapa agama besar yang dipeluk oleh warga masyarakatnya. Masing-masing pemeluk agama memperoleh kesempatan dan hak yang sama dalam menjalankan kewajiban beribadah kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sesuai dengan keyakinan masing-masing.
Islam merupakan agama terbesar yang dipeluk mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia. Toleransi beragama yang dijalankan oleh umatnya memiliki fungsi integratif yang memperkokoh kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa. Islam yang telah hadir berabad-abad lamanya merupakan ajaran yang telah membentuk karakter bangsa. Islam menyebar hampir ke seluruh pelosok tanah air dan mewarnai berbagai kebudayaan yang telah hidup sebelumnya. Tidak sedikit kebudayaan-kebudayaan itu yang hidup dalam nafas Islam sebagai jiwanya.
Setiap kebudayaan yang disentuh Islam tampaknya mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Islam bersikap terbuka terhadap unsur-unsur budaya yang substansinya tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam, dan membiarkannya merebak, bahkan berkembang menuju rona baru, dengan Islam sebagai warna dasarnya. Keanekaragaman budaya dalam kesatuan spiritual itu merupakan ciri khas kebudayaan yang telah dihidupi Islam. ‘Keanekaragaman dalam kesatuan’ merupakan kekuatan budaya bangsa sepanjang sejarahnya.
Kekayaan dan keragaman budaya Islam yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia tampak jelas dalam Festival Istiqlal tahun 1991 dan 1995. Festival tersebut telah membuka mata kita akan potensi besar kekuatan Islam di Indonesia dari sisi budaya. Gelar budaya Indonesia yang bernafaskan Islam itu mampu menarik jumlah pengunjung yang fantastis dan tidak terduga. Di samping itu, keberhasilannya mengajak keikutsertaan negara lain menyadarkan kita akan pentingnya mendorong pembangunan budaya yang bernafaskan Islam ke dalam pentas kebudayaan yang lebih luas.
Pembangunan Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal merupakan bentuk kristalisasi dari seluruh cita-cita dan pemikiran untuk menampilkan dan mengaktualisasikan kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia, khususnya yang bernafaskan Islam.
Logo Bayt Al-Qur'an
Dasar dan Tujuan
1. Sesungguhnya Al-Qur’an adalah wahyu Allah yang merupakan rahmat bagi seluruh alam yang menjadi tuntunan terbaik dan memiliki nilai sangat strategis untuk pembangunan umat manusia.
2. Sesungguhnya Al-Qur’an telah mengilhami, mendorong dan memperkaya budaya bangsa.
3. Kekayaan budaya yang bernafaskan Islam dalam berbagai bentuknya perlu dilestarikan dan dikembangkan.
1. Meningkatkan kecintaan, pemahaman dan pengamalan ajaran-ajaran Al-Qur’an.
2. Menampilkan kebudayaan Indonesia yang bernafaskan Islam yang berkualitas dan kreatif dalam upaya memantapkan kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa.
3. Menampilkan makna dan citra ajaran Islam dan budaya bangsa Indonesia yang bersifat terbuka, dinamis dan toleran.
4. Menampilkan budaya islami yang berasal dari Asia Tenggara dan bangsa-bangsa lainnya dalam upaya ikut melengkapi dan memperkaya khazanah budaya Islam dunia.
5. Menjadi forum studi dan pelayanan informasi bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan budaya Islam.
Sejarah Singkat
Ide awal pendirian Bayt Al-Qur’an muncul dari Dr. H. Tarmizi Taher pada tahun 1994 ketika ia menjabat sebagai Menteri Agama RI. Pada suatu ketika ia mendampingi Presiden H.M. Soeharto menerima hadiah sebuah Al-Qur’an besar dari Pondok Pesantren Al-Asy’ariyah, Kalibeber Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah. Satu tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada 1995, pada peringatan 50 tahun kemerdekaan RI, Presiden meresmikan Mushaf Istiqlal yang telah selesai dikerjakan sejak tahun 1991. Mushaf Istiqlal merupakan sebuah mushaf ukuran besar yang ditulis dengan khat yang indah, dilengkapi dengan hiasan (iluminasi) dari ragam hias 27 provinsi di Indonesia. Pada waktu itulah tercetus ide untuk mendirikan Bayt Al-Qur’an (berarti “Rumah Al-Qur’an”) sebagai tempat untuk menghimpun, menyimpan, memelihara dan memamerkan mushaf Al-Qur’an dari berbagai macam bentuk dan jenis, yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru Nusantara. Ide ini kemudian langsung mendapat dukungan Ibu Tien Soeharto yang langsung mewakafkan tanah seluas satu hektar di kompleks Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta Timur, tepatnya di sebelah kanan pintu masuk utama TMII.
Setelah melalui tahapan perencanaan, gagasan untuk memperluas fungsi Bayt Al-Qur’an muncul terutama selepas penyelenggaraan Festival Istiqlal kedua pada tahun 1995. Pada penyelenggaraan festival tersebut telah banyak dihimpun benda-benda koleksi budaya Islam Nusantara yang pada saat itu belum terpikirkan akan ditempatkan di mana. Ide yang pada awalnya hanya untuk menghimpun naskah-naskah Al-Qur’an, kemudian diperluas untuk menghimpun, memamerkan, dan mengkaji sejarah serta budaya Islam Nusantara. Sejak saat itulah, timbul rencana untuk menggabungkan ide pendirian Bayt Al-Qur’an dengan pendirian Museum Istiqlal.
Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal dimaksudkan untuk menjadi dua lembaga yang memiliki kesatuan utuh, dengan perannya masing-masing. Keduanya menyatu dalam upaya meningkatkan kecintaan, pemahaman, dan pengamalan Al-Qur’an. Melihat kedudukan dan fungsinya, Museum Istiqlal tidak dapat dipisahkan dari Bayt Al-Qur’an. Bayt Al-Qur’an menggambarkan fungsi Al-Qur’an sebagai petunjuk manusia, dan Museum Istiqlal merupakan perwujudan pelaksanaan petunjuk Allah dalam kehidupan dan budaya umat Islam Nusantara. Lebih dari sekadar tempat untuk menyimpan dan memamerkan Al-Qur’an dari berbagai tempat di Indonesia, Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal juga merupakan wadah kajian dan pengembangan ilmu yang berkaitan dengan Al-Qur’an dan budaya Islam.
Akhirnya pada tanggal 20 April 1997 Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal diresmikan pembukaannya oleh Presiden RI H.M. Soeharto, sebagai tonggak perkembangan dan kebesaran Islam di Indonesia: menyiarkan kegemilangan dari masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang.
Pengelolaan Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal berada di bawah Departemen Agama RI. Pada tahun 1997 hingga 2002 dikelola oleh Ditjen Bimas Islam dan Urusan Haji, tepatnya di bawah Direktorat Penerangan Agama Islam, berdasarkam Keputusan Menteri Agama RI Nomor 475 Tahun 1997. Adapun yang ditunjuk sebagai direkturnya adalah Drs. H. Subagjo yang memimpin hingga tahun 1999, dan digantikan oleh Drs. H. Subandi M.Si. yang memimpin hingga 2001, dan dilanjutkan oleh Prof. Dr. H. Hasan Mu’arif Ambary (alm.) yang memimpin hingga tahun 2002.
Seiring dengan adanya restrukturisasi organisasi Departemen Agama RI, ‘induk’ Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal juga ikut bergeser. Pada tahun 2002, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Agama RI Nomor E/50 Tahun 2002, pengelolaan Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal dialihkan ke Ditjen Kelembagaan Agama Islam, di bawah Direktorat Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Masyarakat dan Pemberdayaan Masjid, yang membawahi Subdit Siaran dan Tamadun, dan memiliki Seksi Museum Islam. Adapun direkturnya adalah ex officio Direktur Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Masyarakat dan Pemberdayaan Masjid, yaitu Dr. H. Yusnar Yusuf, MS, yang memimpin hingga tahun 2005.
Pada tahun 2005 Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal kembali harus menyesuaikan diri beralih ke Ditjen Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam di bawah Direktorat Penerangan Agama Islam. Bertindak sebagai direkturnya adalah ex officio Direktur Penerangan Agama Islam, yaitu Drs. H. Mudjahid AK, M.Sc., yang memimpin hingga tahun 2006, kemudian digantikan oleh Drs. H. Ahmad Jauhari, M.Si.
Akhirnya, sejak tahun 2007 Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal secara struktural berada di dalam organisasi Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur’an, Badan Litbang dan Diklat Departemen Agama RI, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Agama RI Nomor 3 Tahun 2007 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur’an. Kepala Lajnah dijabat oleh Drs. H. Muhammad Shohib, MA. Di dalam struktur yang baru ini Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal berada di bawah Bidang Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Dokumentasi.
Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal direncanakan dan didirikan dengan semangat mencari rida Allah swt, disertai upaya untuk menerjemahkan nilai, pandangan hidup, hasrat dan semangat masyarakat Islam Indonesia. Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal dirancang dengan mengacu kepada Al-Qur’an dan Hadis yang merupakan pegangan hidup umat Islam, dan tetap mempertimbangkan kaidah arsitektur yang berusaha mencapai keselarasan yang padu antara keindahan dan fungsi. Gedung Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal dirancang oleh arsitek senior Indonesia, Ir. Achmad Noe’man bersama dengan biro arsitekturnya, PT Birano, Bandung.
Dalam konteks Indonesia, arsitektur selalu dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur budaya setempat sehingga menemukan bentuknya yang khas. Reka bentuk gedung Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal sendiri merupakan suatu citra arsitektur tradisional dengan sentuhan modern, yaitu mengambil bentuk bujur sangkar dan atap tumpang limasan, atap susun yang semakin ke atas semakin kecil, dengan jumlah yang selalu ganjil, 3-5 tingkat, mengacu pada Mesjid Agung Demak, salah satu mesjid tertua dan bersejarah di Jawa. Pemakaian bentuk atap tumpang pada arsitektur bangunan ini melambangkan ketinggian falsafah hidup umat Islam Indonesia. Jika dilihat dari atas, struktur bangunan ini tampak dalam bentuk huruf “q” yang secara simbolis mengingatkan kita pada kata Qur’an. Pada bagian atas gedung ini, jika dilihat dari depan, tampak sebuah kitab Al-Qur’an yang sedang terbuka di atas rehal, yaitu sebuah benda yang dalam tradisi Islam merupakan tempat untuk alas membaca kitab Al-Qur’an.
Seluruh bangunan Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal terdiri atas 3,5 lantai dan satu lantai dasar (basement), serta sebuah masjid dengan luas keseluruhan ± 17.000 . Kedua bangunan ini tampak cukup megah, terletak di kompleks Taman Mini Indonesia Indah dengan tapak memanjang, dan berorientasi ke arah kiblat.
Lantai dasar (basement) merupakan ruang konservasi, laboratorium, karantina, workshop, percetakan dan lain-lain.
Lantai satu terdiri atas main hall, masjid, toko cinderamata, kafetaria, ruang pamer tetap dan tidak tetap.
Lantai dua untuk ruang pamer tidak tetap, ruang pamer museum, dilengkapi dengan ruang audio visual serta kantor untuk pengelola museum.
Lantai tiga untuk perpustakaan, ruang direktur, kepala bidang dan kepala seksi, ruang rapat terbatas, serta ruang kuratorial.

Menara di atas kolam Bayt Al-Qur'an
Isi Bayt Al-Qur’an & Museum Istiqlal
Bayt Al-Qur’an menyimpan materi inti yang merupakan hasil pemahaman, pengkajian dan apresiasi umat Islam Indonesia terhadap kitab sucinya, yang meliputi manuskrip Al-Qur’an, Al-Qur’an cetakan, Al-Qur’an produk elektronik dan digital, metode pengajaran Al-Qur’an, terjemahan dan tafsir Al-Qur’an, serta karya seni dan tradisi Qur’ani.
Manuskrip Al-Qur’an
Seni mushaf Al-Qur’an telah lama berkembang di Indonesia, sejak zaman kerajaan-kerajaan Islam, yang disalin indah, dengan ragam hias yang khas. Bayt Al-Qur’an memamerkan beragam mushaf kuno dari berbagai daerah, di antaranya Mushaf La Lino dari kerajaan Bima, Mushaf Pusaka (1950) hadiah dari Istana Negara RI, hingga seni mushaf “modern” di Indonesia, yaitu Mushaf Istiqlal (1995), Mushaf Wonosobo (1994), Mushaf Sundawi (1997), Mushaf at-Tin (1999) dari keluarga HM Soeharto, dan Mushaf Kalimantan Barat (2003).
Al-Qur’an Cetakan
Beragam Al-Qur’an cetakan, sejak cetakan litografi (cetak batu) dari akhir abad ke-19, cetakan tahun 1960-an, sampai Al-Qur’an cetakan modern dalam berbagai edisi dan variasi tulisan.

Ruang Pamer
Al-Qur’an Elektronik dan Digital
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi, Al-Qur’an juga dikemas dalam bentuk perangkat elektronik dan digital, seperti kaset, CD, VCD, DVD, serta telepon genggam (handphone).
Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur’an
Pentashihan mushaf Al-Qur’an dilakukan oleh Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur’an, Badan Litbang dan Diklat Departemen Agama RI. Lembaga ini bertugas meneliti dan menjaga keaslian Al-Qur’an yang akan dicetak dan disebarluaskan di Indonesia. Setiap mushaf Al-Qur’an yang akan disebarluaskan, baik dengan media cetak maupun elektronik, harus diperiksa lebih dahulu oleh lembaga ini agar kebenaran dan keaslian teksnya tetap terjaga. Berbagai informasi mengenai kegiatan lembaga ini, meliputi prosedur, proses, teknik pemeriksaan dan teknik perbaikan ditampilkan di bagian ini.
Metode Pengajaran Al-Qur’an
Ada beberapa metode baca Al-Qur’an yang digunakan masyarakat, dan masing-masing mempunyai keunggulan tersendiri. Mulai dari metode Qira’ati, Iqra, al-Barqy, Hatta’iyah, an-Nur, Yambu’a dan lain-lain. Informasi mengenai sistem pengajaran dan perkembangannya ditampilkan di sini.
Terjemahan dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an
Para ulama Indonesia telah menghasilkan karya terjemahan dan tafsir Al-Qur’an, seperti Tarjuman al-Mustafid karya Abdurra’uf Singkel (abad ke-17), Tafsir Marah Labid karya Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani, Tafsir Al-Qur’an al-Karim karya Mahmud Yunus, an-Nur dan al-Bayan karya TM Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy, Tafsir al-Ibriz (tafsir bahasa Jawa berhuruf Pegon) karya KH Bisri Mustofa, al-Huda (terjemahan bahasa Jawa) karya H Bakri Syahid, Tafsir al-Azhar karya Hamka, Tafsir al-Misbah karya M. Quraish Shihab, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya Departemen Agama, Al-Qur’an dan Tafsirnya (10 jilid) karya Tim Departemen Agama.
Karya Seni dan Tradisi Qur’ani
Karya seni Qur’ani merupakan benda-benda budaya yang menjadi media ekspresi dan memiliki makna khusus di masyarakat Indonesia, pada masa lalu maupun pada masa kini. Benda-benda ini mengandung simbol-simbol Qur’ani, yang terbuat dari kayu, batu, kain, keramik, logam dan lain-lain. Sebagian besar mengandung unsur kaligrafi yang diambil dari ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an, baik dalam bentuk dua dimensi maupun tiga dimensi. Adapun tradisi Qur’ani mencakup adat istiadat masyarakat Indonesia dalam memuliakan Al-Qur’an, seperti tradisi penyalinan mushaf, khataman, dan lain-lain.

Logo Bayt Al-Qur'an
Museum Istiqlal menyajikan koleksi karya seni budaya bangsa Indonesia yang bernafaskan Islam, antara lain berupa manuskrip keagamaan (selain Al-Qur’an), karya arsitektur, benda arkeologis, benda tradisi, dan seni rupa kontemporer.
Manuskrip Keagamaan
Naskah-naskah kuno yang berisi kajian Islam merupakan bukti perjalanan dan perkembangan intelektual Islam di Indonesia. Naskah-naskah tersebut meliputi berbagai bidang ilmu agama seperti tafsir, hadis, ilmu kalam, fikih, sastra, bahasa, hingga sejarah. Naskah-naskah tersebut berasal dari Aceh, Banten, Jawa, Madura, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan lain-lain.
Arsitektur Islami di Indonesia terlihat pada bangunan masjid, dari yang megah hingga yang bersahaja, kesemuanya mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Selain itu juga dapat dilihat pada bangunan lembaga pendidikan seperti pesantren dan madrasah, juga rumah adat. Hal ini merupakan bukti dari akulturasi antara budaya lokal dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Perpaduan antara keduanya menghasilkan karya arsitektur yang unik dan khas, dari Aceh, Jawa, Riau, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Lombok, hingga Maluku. Karya arsitektur itu disajikan dalam media foto, maket, miniatur maupun denah.
Benda Arkeologis
Benda-benda arkeologis Islam di Indonesia merupakan bukti yang penting bagi sejarah masuk dan berkembangnya Islam di Indonesia. Benda–benda tersebut merupakan hasil temuan dari situs-situs penting awal mula Islam di Indonesia. Di sini disajikan replika batu nisan dari Aceh, Mojokerto dan Gresik. Batu nisan bernilai seni tinggi itu tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai penanda makam, tetapi juga merupakan prasasti yang menceritakan sejarah, riwayat kerajaan, serta masyarakat sekitar pada masa lalu.
Benda Tradisi
Benda-benda tradisi yang memiliki nilai-nilai Islami biasanya dipakai untuk keperluan khusus yang berhubungan dengan upacara-upacara adat, seperti perkawinan, kelahiran anak, khitanan, panen raya, dan upacara tradisional lainnya. Terdiri atas berbagai macam media, dari ukiran kayu, keramik, tenun, tekstil, hingga senjata tradisional. Pada umumnya dihiasi kaligrafi Arab berisi kalimat syahadat, ayat kursi, basmalah, dan lain-lain.

Koleksi Museum Istiqlal

Seni Rupa Kontemporer
Seni rupa islami kontemporer di Indonesia berkembang sejak tahun 1970-an, dan terus berlangsung hingga saat ini. Karya tersebut sering dan lebih mudah dikenali dari temanya yang sebagian besar berupa kaligrafi ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an, meskipun sebenarnya tidak harus menampilkan kaligrafi. Karya seni rupa kontemporer ini merupakan cerminan dari kondisi sosial dan budaya masyarakat masa kini dari sudut pandang seniman Muslim. Di sini disajikan karya perupa Muslim Indonesia dalam bentuk dua dan tiga dimensi, seperti lukisan di atas kanvas, lukisan kaca, tapestry, lukisan batik dan patung kaligrafi, antara lain karya Amri Yahya (alm.), Arsono, Yusuf Affendi, Sudjana, dan lain-lain. PENUTUP
Demikianlah, maka waktu mengantarkan nilai-nilai luhur dari masa lalu perkembangan Islam ke hadapan kita. Menyimak dengan baik makna sejarah suatu peradaban, kita mencoba membangun kembali sebuah kelampauan, untuk kita beri arti. Insya Allah, kita berada pada titik berangkat yang tepat untuk menerjemahkan makna sejarah bagi peradaban di masa-masa mendatang.
Dengan tuntunan Allah, semoga umat Islam di Indonesia mampu menjawab beragam persoalan di masa depan, senantiasa sedia untuk menindaklanjuti jejak keagungan peradaban Islam, dan mengambil sikap terhadap tantangan zaman. Semoga Bayt Al-Qur’an dan Museum Istiqlal dapat memberi sumbangsih yang berharga bagi setiap Muslim di seluruh dunia, sehingga keberadaanya memiliki arti. Amin.

Retrieved from: http://hatirasul.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/bayt-al-quran-museum-istiqlal/

Friday, June 8, 2012

For Koranic Studies, a Scholarly Society Is Born

Scholarly interest in the Koran is growing. 
With scholarly studies of the Koran intensifying, it's time for the formation of an association that represents the increasingly diverse field.
So say the organizers of an effort to form, over the next three years, the Society for Qur'anic Studies, which its organizers call the first independent, global organization of its kind.
The initiative comes from a perhaps surprising quarter, the Society of Biblical Literature. With a $140,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, the society's officials say they want to start an independent Koranic-studies counterpart to support scholarship and teaching about the Koran in its historical, religious, and cultural contexts. The new group aims to foster collaboration among scholars, hold conferences, publish a journal, and offer career development and other forms of professional support.
For a biblical-studies group to lead the effort may seem like an unlikely gesture of ecumenism, but its executive director, John F. Kutsko, thinks it makes sense for his association to take the lead. Founded in 1880, the society holds its annual meeting jointly with the American Academy of Religion, typically attracting 11,000 attendees.
The society has "the expertise to help nurture and provide operational support" for a Koranic-studies association, says Mr. Kutsko. "That is all we're trying to do, and to headquarter that here at the Luce Center, which really is a foundation for the study of religions." The society "will play no role in setting an agenda for these scholars," he adds.
"More than ever today, the Koran is as important in terms of culture and history as the Bible," says Mr. Kutsko. "We can't be global, informed citizens without understanding its traditions, and without making the Koran more and more a part of a liberal-arts education."
The new Society for Qur'anic Studies will "speed up some of the growing new methodologies of studying the Koran—archaeological, textual, historical, critical," he says. "There is already a rich tradition that goes back to medieval Koranic studies of discussion and debate. So we are just building on that, and we're welcoming all these voices to come to the table to enrich this study. This is a very capacious, inclusive effort."
Mr. Kutsko and his fellow organizers are eager to avoid being seen as presumptuous or as exhibiting a colonialist attitude. "We have no preconceived and presumed ways of reading," he reiterates. "We are all enriched by many voices coming to the table for research and writing, and for teaching."
According to Gabriel Said Reynolds, an associate professor of Islamic studies and theology at the University of Notre Dame, the Society for Qur'anic Studies intends to support emerging methods of studying the Koran that complement the devotional approaches that have long been a hallmark of Islam.
"Our initiative is meant to add something to that, not be in conflict in any way," says Mr. Reynolds, who is one of three directors of the committee forming the new group.


Interest in Islamic studies is growing. Over the past decade, job postings for scholars of the Koran have soared. In 2010, the Society of Biblical Literature listed 34 positions in Islamic studies, compared with eight in social sciences and religion, and 12 in Christian studies.
Two book series on the Koran, one from the Dutch publisher Brill, called Texts and Studies on the Quran, and another from Routledge, Studies in the Quran, have been publishing well-received titles.
As more scholars of Islam grow up, train, or settle in the West, their views have become increasingly well known, Mr. Reynolds says. "We have seen a remarkable rise of scholarship in the academy, manifested in a whole wave of new publications, series of academic conferences, and an explosion of Web sites."
That marks a significant change, he notes: "There has historically been a focus in the West on the Bible as the principal scripture of academic interest. Scholars increasingly are interested in text from non-Christian, non-Jewish religious traditions. People have discovered that the Koran is a book that is related to the Bible. They share common protagonists, common stories. And historically, the way that Islamic religious thought has developed has been in conversation with Jewish and Christian religious thought."
That was another impetus for the Society of Biblical Literature, says Mr. Kutsko: "Biblical scholars certainly have been developing an interest in the Koran, as scripture relating to the biblical tradition. Biblical scholars have long seen the importance of the study of the Koran in the study of Western-world religions. It's something of a misnomer and even bias to speak of the Judeo-Christian tradition; it's really a Judeo-Christian-Muslim tradition."
"But biblical scholars are not Koranic scholars," he adds, "and they are completely aware of that."
Mr. Kutsko and his colleagues see their role as one of collaboration, not treading on the toes of scholars of the Koran. "Biblical scholars are somewhat well suited to help as conversation partners," he says. "Central to the intellectual tool kit of biblical scholarship are various methodological approaches that are very transferable—textual criticism, historiographic analysis, comparative linguistics, redaction theory, source criticism.
"On top of that, you have the growing interest in the history of interpretation, the reception theory of texts.
"SBL sees this absolute need for an independent society," says Mr. Kutsko, "so they find their own mission."
He and his fellow organizers on the committee are "prepared for the fact that there will be many questions, curiosities, even criticism," he says. "So we're trying to walk into this carefully, so that when it launches we will have built bridges internationally, to help to respond to any concerns."
Even so, "some people will look askance," says another member of the planning committee, Shawkat Toorawa, an associate professor of Arabic literature and Islamic studies at Cornell University. For many Islamic clerics, he explains, "the fact that the Koran is regarded as divine trumps everything else. But if you look at the classical tradition of commentary that existed in the eighth to 10th centuries, there was a lot of critical study even by pious Muslims."
Among academics, the reception for the new group has been positive, if guarded. Bruce B. Lawrence, an emeritus professor of Islamic studies at Duke University, says the Society for Qur'anic Studies represents "an overdue recognition of the importance of comparative scripture." He adds: "I am especially impressed that it is younger scholars—the latest generation of those to embark on Islamic studies within the field of religious studies—who are spearheading this welcome endeavor."
The initiative is one "I most enthusiastically welcome," says Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, a professor of law at Emory who is an expert on Islamic law. But practitioners of traditional modes of Islamic thought—the Koranic sciences, or ulum al-Qur'an—will worry about Western academe's approaches and methods, he says, and about how a society of Koranic studies will "interact with both traditional scholars in the field and modern scholarship in Islamic societies."
He elaborates in an e-mail: "In particular, I am concerned whether such initiatives in the West will simply replicate 'biblical studies' approaches to the Qur'an, or strive to identify and develop ways of conceptualizing issues and developing methodologies that are more appropriate to the nature of the Qur'an, which is radically different from the Bible as a religious text.
"I of course prefer the latter, but would not expect this outcome to emerge without deliberate planning and strategies."
Walid Saleh, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Toronto, already sees cause for concern. The initial news release, he says, "makes it look as if there are no academic forums for the study of the Koran." That slights the School of Oriental and African Studies, in London, its major conferences, and its journal, "now in its 12th year, with hundreds of articles on the Koran of the highest quality," he says.
It also gives short shrift to the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, a leading Koranic authority in Germany, and its significant project, Corpus Coranicum, a repository of commentary, imagery, and analysis of the Koran. Still, he says, "it would be very interesting to see what this consultative group will manage to do that we do not already do."
Emory's Mr. An-Na'im also expresses anxiety. Slip-ups will leave some scholars of Islam disgruntled—they will want to see judicious approaches from both Islamic and Western scholars, he says. "In this regard, good intentions are not good enough."

Retrieved from: http://chronicle.com/article/For-Koranic-Studies-a/132173/?key=Tm9xI1Q5N3FCZSoxMTlGNjwEbSQ5ZRohYHAdaXspblFRFA%3D%3D